Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome Jenna's Journey Readers

Though I am a lousy blog updater, I am a faithful blog reader. However, I rarely comment. I guess I don't want to seem like a stalker or something. Which is weird, because I LOVE getting comments on my blog. Go figure. Anyway, I am participating in Jenna's Comment Challenge, where I comment on ten blogs a day. Fun, fun. If anyone stops by here from the challenge, WELCOME! Jenna's blog is one of my favorites, so I am happy to participate in this. Enjoy!


  1. Stopping by from Jenna's 2nd annual comment challenge! Love your blog design. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Your kiddos are beautiful!! :) Stopping by from JJ! I love all of their names - so sweet! ;)

  3. Stopping from the comment challenge on Jenna's blog. What cute kids!

  4. So glad you commented on my blog! Don't be scared...I love comments too! Thanks for stopping by! I totally love your polka-dots! We have a couple kids the same age...12, 10, 6, and 2. So I feel ya! The age range is nice though because the boys help take care of the baby. Good luck on your newest parenting adventure!

  5. Stopping by from Jenna's. Your post is funny b/c I am the same way. I read blogs all the time but don't comment much. Hope this challenge changes that for me.

  6. Just stopping in from jenna's journey. Cute blog and adorable kids!
